Old photo of happy young girl with a balloon petting a goat with a 2nd goat in the back ground

Meet the Maker: Lazy Dairy Maid


Dear Reader:

This journey into crafting handmade cold process soaps began in 2022, but my love for sustainable living and working with animals started long ago in a land far away.  Our homestead is home to a menagerie of furry and feathered friends, including playful goats, a mischievous Jersey/Dexter milk cow, fuzzy Gotland & Icelandic sheep, and a flock of happy chickens.

Sharing a daily routine with these animals and nurturing the land has instilled a deep appreciation for natural ingredients and time-honored traditions, like bread baking, cheesemaking, and the art of cold process soap production. 

A background in biology and experience in biotech and biopharmaceuticals gives a unique perspective on the science of soapmaking, especially the fascinating process of saponification, the chemical reaction that transform oils into gentle and cleansing bars. 

Follow Saponification Nation to gain insights into soapmaking, natural ingredients, and the science behind the craft. Also, Coming Soon --Homesteading Adventures—from milking and shearing to cheesemaking and bread baking—will be chronicled on Homeostasis on the Homestead. Both blogs will reflect a commitment to crafting high-quality, handcrafted soaps made in small batches found on eastdarringtontrade.com 

Even our Great Danes and mischievous cat, Binx, occasionally supervise the soapmaking and homesteading activities! 

Subscribe to both of the Blogs, Saponification Nation and Coming Soon, Homeostasis on the Homestead, for the latest soapmaking tips, homesteading stories, and a glimpse of life in the Cascade Mountains!

Thanks for reading.  --The Lazy Dairy Maid.  

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